Commissions Info


7 USD - Icon

15 USD - Half Body

20 USD - Full body

70 USD - 3D Model

15 USD - Reference Sheet

20 USD - Lineless

30 USD - Sonic Channel Style

30 USD - Semi-Realistic Style

+5 USD per character more;
+10 USD for Human characters;
+5 USD per simple background;
+5 USD per icon without lineart in the Reference Sheet, can be purchased separately as well;
- For prices in other currencies, just convert to your local currency.

What I draw:

- Human;
- Shipps;
- Sonic OC/Characters;
- OC;
- Furry;
- Animatronic;
- Fanarts.

What I don't draw:

- Gore;
- Hate art.

Art Examples:


- PayPal, Pix (only national), Bank Transfer.
- Payment must be made before ordering;
- After payment, you will have access to the W.I.P and at the end you will have the order delivered by E-mail or Drive.

Contact for more information:

- Instagram: @PedroPDrawArts
- Twitter: @PedroP
- Discord: PedroPSuzui
- Tumblr: @PedroP-DrawArts
- ArtStation: @PedroP_DrawArts
- Bluesky: @pedrop-drawarts

Contact: @PedroP_DrawArts